Ошибка (databaseException): Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'vk-ts_new.c1.int_val' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by in query: SELECT h.id, MAX(c3p.level) FROM cms3_hierarchy_relations hr, cms3_objects o, cms3_hierarchy h , cms3_object_content c1 ,cms3_permissions c3p WHERE h.obj_id = o.id AND h.is_deleted = '0' AND (c1.obj_id = o.id AND c1.field_id = '191') AND (((hr.rel_id = '37' AND hr.level <= '1') AND hr.child_id = h.id)) AND h.is_active = '1' AND h.type_id IN ('30') AND ((c3p.owner_id = '13' AND c3p.rel_id = h.id AND c3p.level & '1') OR (c3p.owner_id = '13' AND c3p.rel_id = h.id AND c3p.level & '1')) GROUP BY h.id ORDER BY c1.int_val DESC LIMIT 0, 2

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